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Stage 1

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Stage 1-1:

Harry Truman in Washington Post Op-Ed: Limit CIA Role to Intelligence

Article in the Washington Post written by Harry Truman about his CIA regrets. "But there are now some searching questions that need to be answered..."


Stage 1-2

Memorandum for the Record

In a weekly PBSUCCESS meeting, top Government officials discuss the next steps in the light of the deteriorating situation.

“Don’t worry”. Mr. [name not declassified] to [name not declassified]—“Your job is to carry out instructions. You are to get the job done”.

[name not declassified] to Mr. Berry—“Everything we do may be plausibly denied if uncovered”


Stage 1-3a

Memorandum for the Record

The Psychological Strategy Board authorized the Director of the CIA to proceed on a basis of high priority with the implementation of PBSuccess, calling on the Departments of State and Defense for necessary support.

"This is to be an unusually closely-held operation within State and the other departments concerned. (For your personal information, General Smith has directed us to have no direct dealings with the State Department area division; but rather to deal either directly with him or with two specific individuals whom he has named.)” "Our secret stimulation and material support of the overthrow of the Arbenz Government would subject us to serious hazards. Experience has shown that no such operation could be carried on secretly without great risk of its leadership and backers being fully known. Were it to become evident that the United States has tried a Czechoslovakia in reverse in Guatemala, the effects on our relations in this hemisphere, and probably in the world at large, could be as disastrous as those produced by open intervention."


Stage 1-3b

Memorandum for the Record

Conference Between the DCI and Secretary of State. The objectives are two: 1. To divert attention from covert activities; 2. To use as a sounding board for propaganda. The danger of producing confusion is realized, "The Secretary’s conclusion, after two weeks of observation at the Caracas Conference, is that he sees no reason to change the tempo of PBSUCCESS, but “don’t get caught”.


Stage 1-4

Paper Prepared by the Operations Coordinating Board

This paper concerns itself primarily with the criteria to use in determining whether USIA or the Department of State or the OCB designee will undertake a particular propaganda activity. "In areas where activity is conducted without any attribution and it may result in embarrassment to an agency of the U.S. Government, liaison officers will carefully weigh all aspects of the proposed activity before deciding whether such an operation should be undertaken."


Stage 1-5a

The Development of American Psychological Operations

This report covers major developments in propaganda and psychological warfare.


Stage 1-5b

248. Memorandum From the Deputy Director (Wright) to Director of Central Intelligence Hillenkoetter

This memo clarifies the position of the Security Council was that "any propaganda measures in time of peace were a primary function of the State Department and that in any case should not be handled by the Security Council as such since it is in effect an advisory group to the President."


Stage 1-5c

Memorandum for Chief, WHD - Selection of Site for Sherwood Program

Detailed proposal for potential sites for Sherwood radio station, detailed description of program objectives, detailed instructions and assessments


Stage 1-6a

KUGOWN Materials to be Transmitted to Eliot P. Razmara

Materials and instructions given to CIA operative RAZMARA for exploitation. “In consonance with the instructions given to RAZMARA about exploitation of the independent press, it is suggested that the station also assist in this campaign. It is believed that the independent press, under the pretext of being angry at anti-Government and anti_Communist articles, could reprint a considerable amount of such material and thereby gain added circulation for anti-Communist themes.”


Stage 1-6b

ESSENCE Activities

Copies of nine memoranda from field operative RAZMARA. “As previously reported, we have WHITE sub-agents circulating through the departmentos organizing, giving “pep talks” and unifying the local filiales."


Stage 1-6c

KUGOWN Operational Report

Detailed reports from field operatives and CIA assets regarding propaganda, 32 campaign, and graffiti teams. “The publicity in the newspapers concerning the Radio Internacional incident is in great part due to CARTER, who saw to it that the newspapers were informed of the event…”


Stage 1-7

61. Memorandum for the Record

Detailed progress report on PBSuccess, where they list personnel (names not declassified), economic warfare, psychological warfare, paramilitary action, and foreign cooperation.


Stage 1-8

62. Stage One Report Prepared in the Central Intelligence Agency

Detailed CIA assessment of Castillo Armas, aka RUFUS. "Subject seems prepared to cooperate with PBSUCCESS officials. He indicated readiness to take fullest advantage of future CIA aid and assistance." "Subject lacks experience to organize, direct, and coordinate an operation of the magnitude now planned."


Stage 1-9

Operational KUFIRE Tasks

Weekly report from CIA handlers in Guatemala on field operations involving informants and assets.


Stage 1-10

148. Memorandum for the Record, Subject: Calligeris

A detailed personality assessment and background on Castillo Armas by one of his CIA handlers. "His subsequent “heroic” escape from prison was arranged entirely..." "This brings to light a Calligeris personality trait which is now clearly recognizable. He is a firmly stubborn man who in the face of indisputable evidence is prone to maintain his own point of view."


Stage 1-11

95. Memorandum From the Assistant Director for Communications, Central Intelligence Agency (name not declassified) to the Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division, Central Intelligence Agency (King)

“KUBARK should establish and operate such a radio station rather than support a station to be handled by Calligeris.”


Stage 1-12

Sherwood memo, March 8

Atlee Phillips weighs the pros and cons of distributing radios to "Indios and Ladrinos.”

Stage 1-DAP gringo may care.jpg

Stage 1-14

“Devil May Care Gringo”

David Atlee Phillips describes his acting career.


Additional Stage 1 Docs

Organizational Charts